Kirsten Wilmer-Becker
Kirsten coordinates the GODAE OceanView Program Office and leads the MyOcean Service Desk support group.
Areas of expertise
Project co-ordination
Science Administration
Website development
Brochure design
Service management
Current activities
Kirsten provides the central point of communication for the GODAE OceanView Science Team (GOVST) and co-chairs, the task teams, the Patrons' Group and the wider ocean community. Her role includes coordinating activities, organising events, development and maintenance of the GODAE OceanView website, support and maintenance of the work plan and managing of the GODAE OceanView budget.
Kirsten is responsible for leading the MyOcean service desk support group, which is responsible for providing products and services from the MyOcean EC project. Her role includes designing service desk processes, coordinating support group activities and collaborating with MyOcean partners inside and outside the Met Office.
Both, GODAE OceanView and MyOcean in general involve a large degree of international collaboration.
Career background
Kirsten joined the Met Office in September 2006, when she stared to work as the co-ordinator for the GODAE Project Office. Before joining the Met Office, Kirsten spent two and a half years at the University of Exeter, where she was responsible for running the Learning Lives Project Office within the Department of Education. From 2000 to 2003, before her move to Exeter, Kirsten worked at the University of Reading, where she held the position as CGAM (Centre for Global Atmospheric Modelling - now NCAS) Science Administrator.
Kirsten holds a masters degree in Meteorology from the University of Hamburg in Germany, where she worked at the Max-Planck Institut in the WAM-Model Group.