We are always striving to improve our offering, ensuring that our services are fit for purpose by consulting with those who use them.
Overviews of our consultations can be found below, whilst updates will be posted to our LinkedIn Aviation page. Should you have any questions or want to find out more, please contact We provide both the Met Office User Forum and NR23 consultations.
The Met Office User's Forum (MOUF)
The Met Office User's is the principal consultation forum for the UK aviation industry to engage with the Met Office on the aeronautical meteorological products and services provided by the Met Office on behalf of the CAA (Civil Aviation Authority).
The forum is held annually and is open to all organisations that use Met Office aviation products for their operations.
Why attend?
The opportunity exists for attendees to learn more about, and provide feedback on, the following areas:
- Arrangements for aviation MET service provision
- Services supporting international air transport provided by WAFC London,
- Cross border services such those provided by VAAC London and space weather products
- Services for national aviation such as TAFs
- Dissemination of aviation products, i.e. briefing services, data services
- Aviation R&D activities
Please see the Terms of Reference for more information.
How to get involved
To have your say, forthcoming events will be publicised via the following:
- This web page
- Met Office Aviation Services LinkedIn page
If you wish to be kept informed of forthcoming events please email us at
Who can attend?
A representative or member from any of the following organisations or operations:
- Airfield Operators
- Aircraft Operators and Pilots Association
- British Airline Pilots Association
- British Air Transport Association
- European Low Fare Airlines Association
- UK Flight Safety Committee
- Airline Operators
- Airports
- Air Traffic Service Providers
- British Business & General Aviation Association, and
Our next event will be held at the Met Office Headquarters in Exeter, on the 25th November 2024, from 11:00 am to 3:00 pm. Registration for this event will open in September via this webpage.
A summary of discussions had during the last MOUF are attached here, with the slide deck presented at the meeting, here.
Any questions?
If you wish to comment or have any questions, please feel free to contact us at
Learn about the proposed plans for Met Office aviation activities for the 2023-27 period.
Every five years the Met Office reviews its aviation activities as agreed with the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) to ensure we are focusing on delivering relevant and useful research and developing our services in line with our customers' requirements. NR23 lays out our proposed plans for the 2023-2027 period.
Our NR23 Met Office Consultation meeting took place on Wednesday 24 November 2021 and included a presentation and discussion of the proposed plans. Your feedback has helped to ensure that the proposed activities are aligned with the needs of the UK aviation industry over the next five years.
The meeting was held at Hyatt Place, Bath Road, UB7 0DG.
Who was eligible to attend?
The consultation was aimed at those who fly into UK airspace and pay the en-route charge.
What if I could not attend but wanted to provide feedback?
If you were unable to attend, minutes were taken to record feedback and actions. These are available here.
We also held a consultation period.
Consultation document
Please see below for the Met Office NR23 consultation document which formed the basis of the consultation meeting on Wednesday 24 November 2021.
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